Oct 23, 2007

One in five erectile problems medically treated

An estimated 1.5 million of Polish men have erectile dysfunction problems, according to a survey conducted by the Polish Society for Sexual Medicine (PTMS) in cooperation with Pfizer and OBOP.

Nearly 9,000 patients were surveyed in 2005-2007.

The survey results indicate that erectile dysfunction is not a problem associated only with age. Although it usually affects older men, i.e. those over 51, even men under 30 can face the problem. Doctors predict that the average age of men with erectile dysfunction will continue to fall in the future due to poor diet, lack of physical activity, and lifestyle diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

Erectile dysfunction problems are usually caused by prostate dysfunction and hypertension in older men, and depression or neurological problems in younger ones. The problem is often associated with anabolic steroid use. Every fifth man under 30 with erectile problems takes steroids.

According to the survey, only 21% of men decide to treat the problem with medication (Cialis, Levitra, Viagra), while 27% buy preparations available without prescription, such as herbs, vitamins etc. whose efficacy has not been proven.

Source : Polishmarket